Yeast-free puff pastry without vinegar

Puff pastry

Hello friends!
I had some free time and decided to make puff pastry without yeast. Make more right away, you can immediately cook something from part of the dough, and put the rest in the freezer. Usually I cook 3 servings, since it very rarely happens that 6-7 hours are free))) In this recipe, I will give the ingredients for one serving, the total dough weight will be about 600 g, enough for about one pie or 8 pies with fillings. If you want to make a larger portion, then everything is simple – you need to observe the proportions.

There are 4 basic types of puff pastry, the most commonly used option is three-quarters. This means the proportion of butter to flour. There are also three methods for preparing the dough. The technique that we will apply is taught in culinary schools in France. Some people add vinegar or citric acid to the dough, which is not in the classic French recipe. For unleavened puff pastry, this is absolutely not necessary.

For home use, I buy butter in packs of 180 or 200 grams. And so the rest of the ingredients are already calculated from the amount of butter. This time I bought butter in 200 gram packages, 82% fat (required 82%, not lower). A small nuance: it is not very comfortable for beginners to work with butter over 400 grams.

There is a lot of text in the introduction, but this is still a small amount of what I would like to say. So the main proportions: butter should be three-quarters of the amount of flour, water exactly half of the amount of flour.


  • Four all purpose – 265 g
  • Butter (82%) – 200 g
  • Water – 130 ml
  • Salt – 4 g

Cooking process

1.Pour into a bowl where we will knead the dough: flour, add all the salt and water. Mix well, no more than 5-8 minutes, until smooth.

2.We form a ball from the dough, cut the top of the dough crosswise, not completely, about 1 cm deep.

3.Wrap the dough in cling film and refrigerate for 30-40 minutes. This is a minimum, you can stay all night, so that you can lie down better.

4.When the dough has rested, we take it and the butter out of the refrigerator. It is very important that the butter is not cold. Dough and butter should be the same in softness.

5.Lightly flour the table and begin to roll out the dough. From the middle we roll out in one direction, then also from the middle to the remaining 3 sides. You should get something like a flower with four petals and a thickening in the middle. (It’s not my style to photograph recipes step by step, but here I think it would be necessary, for better understanding, I will try to supplement this article with photos later). Roll only from the center to the edge, in the opposite direction is not necessary.

6.We put the butter in the middle of the flower, on the thickening.

7.And alternately cover the butter with dough petals

8.You should get an envelope with butter.

9.You can lightly press it crosswise with a rolling pin so that the butter is evenly distributed in the envelope and we begin to roll out the dough, approximately to a thickness of 5 mm, watch carefully, as soon as you see that the butter is already visible, then finish rolling.

10.You should get a rectangle with a ratio of 3 to 1. That is, the height of the test is one third of the width.

11.We take one side and cover it with 2/3 of the rectangle, and on top we cover with the other side of the dough.

12.Finished the first roll. Rotate the dough 90 degrees and roll out the rectangle in the same way.

13.Again, fold in the same way: cover 2/3 with one side of the dough and cover the other on top.

14.Cover the dough with cling film and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes. (I usually set it to two hours). And on the film, cooks usually write the number of folds))) so as not to get confused. Some cooks simply put two fingerprints on the dough itself.

15.After half an hour, repeat again 10-14 steps. Only on the tape we already write 4.

16.After a couple of hours, we take it out and roll it out again as in steps 10-14. The dough is ready.

17.Usually – roll it out six times and that’s it, now we put it in the refrigerator, and we can already cook delicious dishes from it.

What can be prepared from this dough? Yes, anything – pies, cakes …

That’s all!

Hope everything works out for you!

Cook with pleasure!

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Yeast-free puff pastry without vinegar
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