Russian cold soup “Okroshka”

Russian cold soup "Okroshka"

Hello friends! Warm days are coming. And especially for you, we have prepared a recipe for a very refreshing dish – a Russian cold soup called “Okroshka”.

Traditionally, kvass is added to this soup, but we replaced it with carbonated mineral water and kefir.

Kefir can be found not only in Russian stores. Here is a link for an example


  • Meat – 300 gr
  • Eggs – 4 pcs (large)
  • Cucumbers – 2 pcs
  • Potato – 4 pcs
  • Radishes – 3 pcs
  • Green onions – 1 bunch
  • Carbonated mineral water – 1.5 liters
  • Kefir – 1 liter

As you can see from the ingredients, everything is natural and healthy.

The ingredients are usually selected so that the meat is 1/3 of everything that you decide to put in okroshka. Instead of meat, you can use sausage, salami, carbonate or ham (it turns out very tasty). The above amount gives us approximately 4-5 servings.

Let’s start cooking

Meat, eggs and potatoes are pre-boiled. Potatoes can be cut into cubes in advance and boiled in this form. It’s easier to cut raw, but the problem is that, when chopped, it cooks faster and you need to make sure that it doesn’t boil. You can boil eggs and potatoes in the same bowl, but preferably after the water boils after 10-12 minutes, remove the eggs from the pan – otherwise they can be very poorly peeled. Generally, the longer the eggs are boiled, the worse they peel. 10 minutes for eggs is enough.

Place the eggs in cold water. And we cool the potatoes.

Cut half of the specified amount of green onions, add a little salt and knead with a spoon.

When everything is cool, cut everything into cubes. Eggs, of course, are not so easy to cut, so we separate the white from the yolk, and cut the white, and knead the yolk with a fork.

That’s all. We add mineral water and kefir in portions, to each eater to taste. It is better to salt and pepper before serving and before you pour kefir and mineral water. Put everything on a plate, salted, peppered, mixed and poured everything with warm kefir and cold mineral water. Why warm? Although the soup is “Russian cold”, the taste must be revealed.

Sprinkle with the remaining green onions and serve. Who loves dill, then please, you can sprinkle it.

That’s all!
Cook with pleasure!

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Russian cold soup "Okroshka"
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