Fried dumplings with chicken

Fried dumplings with chicken

The dish is just delicious, they do not have time to cool.

Minced meat ingredients:

  • Chicken fillet – 1 piece
  • Onion – 2 medium onions
  • Salt – 1 teaspoon
  • Pepper – 1 pinch
  • Turmeric – 1 pinch

Dough Ingredients

  • Flour – 200 grams
  • Water – 200 ml
  • Salt – 1 teaspoon
  • Eggs – 2 pcs

Oh, and you definitely need sunflower oil. The amount depends on the container in which you will fry the dumplings. The oil should cover the dumplings.

Let’s do the dough first.

Dissolve salt in warm water. Pour the flour into a container, add the eggs, knead and gradually pour warm water with salt. Knead the dough well and let stand for 30-40 minutes. And at this time we will deal with the future minced meat.

Chicken fillet can be passed through a meat grinder along with onions, or you can just chop finely with a knife and grate the onions. Add salt, pepper and turmeric to the resulting mass and mix well.

Minced meat and dough are ready, it remains to connect them together.

We roll out the dough, the thickness is 2-3 mm and with a mold, or simply squeeze the rounds out of it with a wine glass. We lay out the minced meat on the blanks, literally at the tip of the fork – so that you can close up the dumpling.

We put the resulting dumplings in the freezer for 30 minutes.

Heat the oil in a deep saucepan, and pour the dumplings in portions. Dumplings are fried no more than 3 minutes.

That’s all!

Cook with pleasure!

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Fried dumplings with chicken
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