Dessert of sponge cake crumbs and cocoa. Easy and lazy recipe

Dessert of sponge cake crumbs and cocoa. Easy and lazy recipe

Hello friends! For you, a new recipe, a delicious and sweet dessert is obtained.

And if you still have a sponge cake or sponge cookies, then this dish is prepared in 40 minutes.

Well, if not, then let’s start with a dough for a sponge cake.

Ingredients (sponge cake dough)

  • Wheat flour (highest grade) – 2 tbsp
  • Eggs (60-65 gr) – 3 pcs
  • Sugar – 3 tablespoons
  • Cornstarch – 1/2 tbsp

This amount is enough for the sponge cake in our recipe. The cake will weigh about 500 gr.

Ingredients (syrup)

  • Butter – 75 g
  • Sugar – 1.5 tbsp
  • Water – 3 tbsp
  • Cocoa – 2 teaspoons


  • Cognac – 2 teaspoons

Cooking (if you have a ready-made sponge cake or cookies, then skip steps 1-4)

1.First of all, preheat the oven to 400°F and prepare the baking dishes in advance.

2.Cooking in a water bath *. In a convenient container, break the eggs, add sugar and begin to stir with a whisk. As soon as the sugar dissolves, we bring the temperature of the mixture to 45-50 degrees and remove from the water bath, continuing to knock down. The volume of the mixture should increase at least 2 times in the worst case.

3.Cool to room temperature and gradually add flour mixed with cornstarch, but do not beat down, but stir lightly (and now we work not with a whisk, but with a spatula) so that there are no lumps.

4.We achieve uniformity of the mixture, pour everything into a mold and immediately put it in the oven for 20 minutes.

5.Make syrup. Put the saucepan on gas stove, first on a high heat. Put butter in a saucepan. Dissolve it to a liquid state, add sugar and water. We achieve a boil, reduce the heat to low, stir and add cocoa here.

6.Cook for 2 minutes, turn off and cool to room temperature.

7.Cool the sponge cake, you can dry it a little if it is too soft. But, do not get carried away – you need some of the cake crumbs to be soft. Rub some on a grater, cut some with a knife into small pieces (0.5 cm each).

8.Pour the resulting crumbs / pieces into a mixing container, once again crush everything with our hands, rub it.

9.Add cognac, mix well.

10.Add the resulting syrup, mix very well.

11.Spread it on a plate, form any shape you like and put it in the freezer for 30 minutes.

12.After 30 minutes, the dessert is ready.

That’s all!

Cook with pleasure!

*A water bath is a cooking method for some dishes. Water is poured into a deep big pan and heated to 160-180°F. A smaller pan is placed in this big pan, in which the dish will be cooked. The main thing is that water from a large pan does not fall into a smaller one.

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Dessert of sponge cake crumbs and cocoa
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