Chicken thighs in soy sauce

Another recipe for a ready-made dinner, friends. Chicken thighs in soy sauce and potatoes, baked together in the oven. Pretty fast and tasty.
- Chicken thighs – 900 grams
- Potato – 700 grams
- Soy sauce – 3-4 tablespoons
- Salt – 2 tablespoons
- Red pepper – 1-2 tablespoons
- Vegetable oil – 3 tablespoons
To begin with, let’s take care of the chicken: wash it, remove all unnecessary (sometimes it happens that some pieces of skin are left when cutting) and put it in a marinating container.
Salt – 1 tablespoon. Pepper to taste.
And add here all the soy sauce indicated in the recipe. Mix well, add a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil.
We close the container with cling film and put it in the refrigerator for an hour.
At this time we are engaged in potatoes:
We clean, wash and cut into equal slices, no more than 1 centimeter thick.
We also put it in a container, salt, pepper, add vegetable oil and leave it warm under cling film.
Heat the oven to 200 degrees. Lubricate a baking sheet with vegetable oil and lay out the chicken, and potatoes around it. On a standard baking sheet, all this amount should fit.
Pour the rest of the marinade over the chicken and potatoes and place in the oven on a medium rack.
200 °C. bottom + top + convection mode.
After 45 minutes, the chicken and potatoes are ready. If you want to more fried, hold, well, another 10 minutes.
That’s all!
Cook with pleasure!
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