Basic yeast dough. Straight Dough Method. A classic recipe and some tips for working with dough.

Basic yeast dough. Straight Dough Method

Hi friends. We share with you a classic recipe for a yeast dough. The recipe has been tested many times and not only by us. You can cook anything from this dough: buns, pies … Both with sweet and savory fillings (it remains only to adjust the amount of salt and / or sugar in the dough). For example, this recipe for meat pies. In the end, we will try to give some tips on working with the dough.


  • Wheat flour – 320 g
  • Sugar – 1/2 tablespoon
  • Sunflower oil – 1 tablespoon
  • Eggs (60-65 gr) – 1 pc.
  • Yeast (dry) – 10 g
  • Salt – 1/4 teaspoon
  • Milk (can be replaced with water) – 125 ml

As a result, you should get 500-510 grams of dough.

Before I begin, I will answer the question: why such a strange amount of flour and milk. There are often recipes on the Internet in which ingredients are measured with glasses, spoons, etc. So, in the generally accepted practice in the world, a glass means an ordinary tea glass with a capacity of 250 ml. And in such a glass is placed 160 grams of flour

So, let’s begin:

We heat the milk (in no case do we boil it!) To a temperature of 90°F degrees.

Pour the milk into a container in which we will knead the dough.

Pour in the yeast and stir to dissolve it.

Now add sugar, dissolve in the same way.

Add an egg. Stir and add the sifted flour here. First add 10% of the total flour and then add salt (it can be dissolved in a small amount of water beforehand). Knead and add the rest of the flour.

And knead the dough. The dough should be smooth, without lumps.

Usually it takes 10-15 minutes to knead.

At the end, add sunflower oil, mix a little. All.

Cover the container with the dough with cling film or a lid and put it in a warm place.

If everything is done correctly, then after 2.5 hours the dough will rise as much as possible. Knead it again.

So the fermentation process should accelerate after the first kneading, then after 40 minutes the dough will rise again. We knead it again and put it on a floured table. That’s all, the dough is ready, now you can work with it and make everything that you planned to cook.

Now the promised tips and thoughts about the preparation of the dough.

  1. The normal temperature for dough fermentation is considered to be 80-85°F. (In no case should the dough be warmed up – since at a temperature of more than 110-125°F fermentation stops altogether)
  2. Yeast cannot be dissolved in boiling water.
  3. Fermentation is slowed down or completely absent in cases where too much salt or sugar is added, or low-quality yeast is added.
  4. If you are not sure about the yeast, then it is better to try dissolving it in a small amount of warm water and adding a little flour. If no process occurs within 30 minutes, then it is better to buy another brand of yeast.
  5. If the dough is oversalted or oversweetened, then you can knead a new portion of the dough (already without salt and sugar) and mix both doughs. (It’s better, of course, to make the new dough)
  6. Salt in the dough: if there is too much of it, then the buns will turn out salty and the crust will turn out pale; if there is not enough salt, the baking turns out to be vague and not tasty.
  7. Sugar in the dough: if there is too much sugar, then: the crust is quickly tinted during baking, but the middle is not baked; if there is little sugar, the baking turns out pale.
  8. After you have formed blanks for baking from the dough, put them on a greased baking sheet (or board) and let stand for 20-30 minutes (the process is called proofing). There is a process of additional fermentation, as a result of which the dough will increase in volume and become more magnificent.
  9. If the dough was done correctly, the dough rose beautifully, and the buns came out small, heavy and poorly baked, then this means that you missed the previous paragraph (p. 8)
  10. Is it possible to add new yeast to the failed dough? In principle, it is possible, but it is better to redo the dough.
  11. Add salt after all other ingredients

That’s all!

If you have any questions – write, we will answer.

Most importantly, cook always with pleasure!

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Basic yeast dough. Straight Dough Method.
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